Saturday, 23 July 2011

Website Down...FOR NOW.

Hi guys!

Just a quick note about my expires today, and I am still in the process of updating and rebuilding a new website, so it will be down for a time. I do have an under construction page, but my URL host is messing me around a bit right now and isn't allowing me to link the page to my URL...yet. Blimey, excuse all this rubbish I'm writing; basically, my site will still be but will take a while to come back online. The best place for news and new artwork will be this blog for now, and I'm still more than happy (chuffed, some would say) to read and reply to emails on my usual address:

Thanks so much for your patience! Hopefully it'll be worth the wait; the new site I'm building is a lot simpler and will allow me to update it A LOT more regularily. Good times ahead, eh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds fun . . . looking forward to the new look