Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Cedric LeGrande (and Jamie) says: 'Happy New Year!'

A Happy New Year to you all! 2013 is already looking to be busy and brilliant for me - I have a few new children's book/fiction projects that I'll soon be working on which I'm very excited about and hope to be able to share with you guys soon.

Some great comicy related news too - the Phoenix Comic has gone digital! So all you people across the vast oceans who have so far been unable to read this fantastic weekly comic, and for those people that just like reading comics in a digital format, now's the time to get involved! The app can be found over here! I also have a new comic series, the idea of which I have been working on for a few years now, which finally looks to see the light of day, thanks for the incredibly kind folks at the Phoenix Comic (as well as more mis-adventures from Cogg and Sprokit!). I am over the moon about this, hopefully it's going to be a huge, awesome, epic adventure of Victorian-fantasy proportions, but yes, once again; More on that SOON.

Wow, I've just spent this entire blog post speaking in cryptic suggestions and riddles of things to come. What about things to NOW?! Here's a pug. I call him Cedric LeGrande.

And here's to a fantastic and exciting 2013!

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