Thursday, 24 May 2012

Summer Summer Summer Ta-hyme.

Hello hello hello Summer-time dwellers! I am in a very good mood today, for us lucky few residing in the British Isles have seen our first rays of sunshine in like, 20 years, and the week has been very very exciting work-wise...with no less than 3 possible projects cruising down the comission road and soon to be in front of your very eyeballs as soon as I can talk about/show them. The usual secrecy business, only more so! I also intend to get this blog back on track, like some terrible guardian, I have let this poor blog fall to the wayside and get dusty and forgotten in the darkest corners of the interweb, whilst I frolicked about in the sunshine with work and the proespect of buying new paints and cartons of orange juice. Well NO LONGER!! I intend to get back to AT LEAST one blog post a week. Starting now. Here's a girl riding a bike. Because it's Summer, y'know - the, erm, the season of...bikes? Ooo...and my new Cogg and Sprokit cover for the continuously wonderful Phoenix Comic. I thought I'd add the 'pencils' and the final thing here, so those interested could see a type of progression. Look at it go! This week's Cogg and Sprokit is a MUST for fans of the undead and rolling boulder-like objects. Oh, and sand.

1 comment:

i am Lil said...

FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! (As always...)