It was YOU!!!
Wahey, I've updated my site, which I would be hugely happy for you to visit. Why not even bring some friends, there's plenty of room for all...
I have also joined the ever ellusive twitter, which will act as another blog/thought process/groovy batchelor pad (oh dear) as well as this one, but probably with more frequent musings and inane babble. Feel free to follow! Now if I could just figure out how it all works...
Just stumbled onto your main site via John Allison. You've got some great work! Had some frustrations navigating your sketchbook, though, as there appear to be some problems with links in there. Awesome art! Keep it up!
Thank you very much for the kind words! I'm really glad you like the work. Yeah, I've begun to notice a few broken links on the site, especially on the sketchbook section, grrr, I still find flash to be a somewhat baffling program, gremlins and whatnot, but I'm working to get them all fixed. Sorry about that, and thanks for letting me know!
Cheers again!
Hi Jamie
I LOVE your work. Do you or do you think you will sell any prints?
Hey Zoe, sorry for the late reply, I still haven't got this comment notifier thing working, so I missed this one! And basically...Thanks a lot! :)
I can sort you out some prints if you'd like, if you message me on jamie@jamielittler.co.uk and let me know which illustration you would like printed, I can get that sorted for you! I also have a few prints for sale in the Soupa network store, which you'll find waaaay over here:
But I've recently sold out of a lot of prints (wahey!), so I need to restock my section of that shop full of life and printy goodness. Thanks again, hope that helps!
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